The PRDBA is a specialist bar association for Irish barristers who practice before professional regulatory tribunals (such as the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal and the Fitness to Practise Committee of the Medical Council) and who are interested in professional regulatory and disciplinary law.
The PRDBA provides specialist education to its members through legal updates and morning seminars and acts as a forum for practising barristers involved in professional regulatory law. It also promotes the Bar as a specialist provider of advocacy and legal advice in this area.

Champion of Equitable Briefing
The Bar of Ireland’s new Equitable Briefing Policy, approved by Council in June 2022, sets out a number of supports that the Council provide to members, including but not limited to, the development of specialist areas of practice through the formation of the Specialist Bar Associations.
The Equitable Briefing Policy asks that solicitors make all reasonable endeavours to consider gender in selecting a diverse panel of barristers with the required seniority, expertise, and experience.